Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

That's it !!!

Today just a common day that began with a little rainy. It's me who sleep in front of my room, 'cause my there became so hot tonight, i don't know why. The water balls starting to drop to my face, and a quickly get up to avoid the rain i did.
It's started. Until today, every single thing I've done were to distract a human being called "girl who steal my heart". With a rain starting the day, I've almost nothing to do but stay on my room. Fiuh... Without an excuse, her face falling to my mind. Yeah her pretty smiley funny face breaking my loneliness. Again. Damn it, why I couldn't ever forget her?

There were 2 girl out there hoping me to get more than my attention as friends. But I'm dying with a heart stolen last three quarter years past. Still cannot get my heart owner back belong to myself. Oh crab!?! And I choose to stand on my self, not to belong with one of them.

Outside, I still showed up as a man who enjoy a single and keep busy with my full time business. But inside every action, I was blank. An old blank document (not as an empty blank document like if we starting tipe on microsoft word or another program compare, it's old cause nothing was write down there since a day in the past).

Today, i just miss her.
I just wanna see her smile on, i didn't mind what she get me to be, who she thinks i am, just wanna see she happy.
Fiuh... but it's closely impossible...

I close my eye and start to try to forgot her, but i can't...

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